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2011-12-19     来源:   作者:网站管理员   查看:  

                                       Guo-cheng Wu

Key Lab Numer. Sim. Sichuan provice, Neijiang 641112, Dontong Road 705#, China

              Email: wuguocheng2002@yahoo.com.cn

Tex: +86-0832-2341101


Ph.D.      College of Textile, Donghua University, Shanghai, China                8/2008---5/2011

            City University of Hongkong, as a research assistant,                   5/2010---10/2010

            The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, as a research assistant,          12/2009—5/2010

M.S.      Math. Depart, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China                     9/2005---6/2008


B.S.      Depart of Appl. Math.,  Nantong University, China                    9/2001---6/2005                                                                                                                                    


Relevant  Soliton theory and Integral systems, Fractional calculus and Fractional theory, Computer-supported


Areas of Interests

   Soliton theory & Integral systems; Lie Group and its application in mathematical physics;

   Fractional calculus & Fractional theory; Symbolic computation & Maple packages.

Major Publications

1. Guo-cheng Wu, Tie-cheng Xia, Uniformly constructing exact discrete soliton solutions and periodic solutions to differential–difference equations, Comput Math Appl,, 58 (2009) 2351-2354.

2. Guo-cheng Wu, Prolongation approach to Lax pairs and Bäcklund transformation of the variable coefficient KdV equation, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 42 (2009) 408-411.

3. Guo-cheng Wu, Tie-cheng Xia, A new method for constructing soliton solutions and periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, Phys Lett A, 372 (2008) 604-609.

4.Guo-cheng Wu, Tie-cheng Xia, A new method for constructing soliton solutions to differential-difference equation with symbolic computation, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 39 (2009) 2245-2248.

5. G.C. Wu,  A fractional variational iteration method for solving fractional nonlinear differential equations, Comput Math Appl, 61 (2011) 2186-2190.

6. G.C. Wu, A fractional characteristic method for solving fractional partial differential equations, Appl Math Lett, 24 (2011) 1046-1050.

7. G.C. Wu, Adomian decomposition method for non-smooth initial value problems, Math Comput Model, 54 (2011) 2104-2108.

8. G.C. Wu, E.W.M. Lee, Fractional variational iteration method and its application, Phys Lett A, 374 (2010) 2506-2509.

9. G.C. Wu, S. Zhang, A generalized Tu formula and Hamiltonian structures of fractional AKNS hierarchy, Phys. Lett. A 375 (2011) 3659–3663.


1.       Guanghua major award for master students, Shanghai University, 2007~2008;

2.       Zhou Hua-sheng Major award, Donghua University, 2008~2009;

3.       Uster  top grade scholarship, Donghua University, 2009~2010.

Academic Activities

Managing Editor and Founding Editor of Commun. Frac. Calc.

As a referee for some journals of  applied mathematics & nonlinear science: Appl. Numer.Comput., Appl. Math.Comput., Appl. Math. Lett., Chaos, Soliton. Fractal., Int.J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer.Sim.